Page not found error (See more user questions)
Yes, the two forward slashes could be a factor.
At the risk of repeating the instructions and items on the support section,
upload the script to the place your form action is pointing to.
If your form action points to:
<form action="formtoemailpro.php" method="post">
...upload the script to the same directory as the form.
If your action points to:
<form action=""
...upload the script to
It doesn't matter what you use to edit the script, just upload the script to
the correct place. As per the instructions, default is to put the script
and the form page in the same directory.
Best wishes.
Charles Sweeney
The world's easiest feedback script!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: FormToEmail-Pro script
Hi Charles,
It's good we both have a sense of humor.
Ok, you've pointed me in a good direction. If you'll notice,, has two
forward slashes after ".com".
Could this be why, even with the PHP file in the emailus_files directory it
can't be found. And if I'm correct, how can I fix the problem. I use
Apple's iweb for authoring.
Kindest regards,
On Mar 19, 2010, at 3:17 PM, wrote:
> Hi
> I'm the same, just enough knowledge to get into trouble!
> This is quite straight-forward. The error you are getting is "page not
> found". That means your form action isn't pointing to the script. In
> other words, you haven't uploaded the script to the place the form is
> expecting it to be.
> According to your form action, the script should be here:
> ...but it isn't.
> If you upload the script to that directory, it will be fine. I recommend
> uploading the script to the same directory that the form is in, which
> means you should upload the script to:
> ...which is the root of your webspace, the same place your form is.
> Any questions, just let me know.
> Best wishes.
> Charles Sweeney
> The world's easiest feedback script!
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 1:39 PM
> Subject: Re: FormToEmail-Pro script
> Good Morning Charles,
> Thank you for your quick response to my email. I have just enough
> technical knowledge to get myself in trouble and I think that's what I've
> done. I've read some of the help topics, but I don't understand a lot of
> it.
> Here is the URL, I would greatly appreciate your help.
> Regards,
> On Mar 18, 2010, at 7:52 PM, wrote:
>> Hi
>> Good to hear form you.
>> I don't have a video but I have detailed instrctions in the script and on
>> my suuport section, here:
>> Have a read through the items in the support section in turn.
>> If you still have problems, give me the URL of your form page, and I will
>> have a look at it.
>> Best wishes.
>> Charles Sweeney
>> The world's easiest feedback script!
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 10:09 PM
>> Subject: FormToEmail script
>>> Comments: Hi,
>>> I'm having trouble getting the pro version to function correctly. I
>>> think I might be putting the PHP in the wrong directory. Do you have any
>>> video tutorials or other aids?
>>> Thanks,