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Outputting a submitted fax number from the form  (See more user questions)

Hi Mark.

Thank you for your question. Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

The latest version of the Pro script (attached) allows you to make a
template for the body of the email. Doing so will allow you to show the
phone number only. There are instructions in the script about using a

You could then use a template to show just the email and attach a CSV file
as you have been doing.

Any questions, just let me know.

Best wishes.

Charles Sweeney
The world's easiest feedback script!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 6:27 PM
Subject: FormToEmail script

> Comments: Hi there,
> We have your pro version and I have a question. We are trying to use it in
> conjunction with They offier a service where you can send an
> email to a fax machine. What it wants though is an email that has only the
> fax number in the body of the message and the data that would be printed
> on the fax as an attachment.
> I have set our form up to deliver a csv but I cannot get the form to enter
> just the fax number and without any of the form data printed in the body.
> Can this be accomplished?
> Basically we want a user to go to a page on a website, fill out a form and
> have it send the data from those input fields as an attachement and we
> (the developers) would have a phone number hidden to the user that would
> appear in the body of the message.