Send to different recipients, output in HTML (See more user questions)
Hi .
Thank you for your question.
You can output an HTML email using my script. There is a facility to use an
HTML template which means you can make the HTML email appear any way you
like and have it show any number of the submitted form fields, all of them
or only certain fields, your choice as you write the template. Your
customer could then print out the HTML email.
You can process any number of forms. Couple of ways to do it considering
you want each form to go to a different person. You can use one instance of
the script for each form and make configurations on a per form/per script
basis. Or you can use just one instance of the script and add some coding
to it and the forms, to allow the email to be sent to a selected recipient.
Have a look at this page on my support section for more information on that:
Have a look also at this page on my support section (processing more than
one form):
Have a look at this one too:
More info on using a template, here:
Probably best to purchase the script and experiment with it. It doesn't
cost much and you can use it on other jobs if you can't use it for this one.
Just note though, due to the nature of the product the sale is final.
You could also use the free script (attached) to test sending to different
Any questions, just let me know.
Best wishes.
Charles Sweeney
The world's easiest feedback script!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 10:18 AM
Subject: FormToEmail script
> Comments: We are busy doing a website for a legal company. They have 8 or
> 9 Forms that they want to display on the site and have a potential
> customer fill them in.
> The filled Forms must then be emailed to the correct Dept in the Legal
> firm. They would prefer pdf, but html or Word Doc is also OK, what they
> DON'T want is the data only, They have no computer expertise, they just
> receive the Form all completed and then the save it and print it for their
> hard copy.
> I have created the Forms, and I can save them as HTML or PDF and all I
> need now is to add a submit button where I can send the completed form to
> a script which will email it to the user, either as a plain mail or as an
> attachment.