Using gibberish 'exclude fields' option in older versions of the script (See more user questions)
Hi , good to hear from you.
Yes, you can edit older versions of the script to use the new exclude fields
option for the gibberish check.
Put in the two configuration options at the top of the script, as you
$gibberish_exclude_fields = 1;
$gibberish_fields_to_exclude = array('email','email2');
Then you need to edit the code.
Replace this line:
...with this code (between the asterisks):
$array_to_check = $_REQUEST;
// Remove excluded fields.
if($gibberish_exclude_fields && count($gibberish_fields_to_exclude))
foreach($gibberish_fields_to_exclude as
Any questions, just let me know.
Best wishes.
Charles Sweeney
The world's easiest feedback script!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 4:48 PM
Subject: RE: Gibberish block
> Charles-
> This is a welcome addition and well timed. As always, just one question...
> I want to copy and paste the 2 lines of code only, into some earlier
> version
> script files -- this is okay isn't it?
> Gibberish, exclude fields. You can exclude specified form fields from the
> gibberish check. Any such excluded fields will not be checked for
> gibberish. This is mainly to exclude email fields from the check as email
> addresses often contain gibberish "words" and would otherwise get blocked
> by
> the gibberish check. Such fields are excluded by default
> ($gibberish_exclude_fields = 1;). To disable this option, change the 1 to
> 0
> like so: $gibberish_exclude_fields = 0; You can list the fields to
> exclude
> in the next option below.
> */
> $gibberish_exclude_fields = 1;
> /*
> Gibberish, fields to exclude. List the field names below that you wish to
> be excluded from the gibberish check. You must name the field(s) EXACTLY
> as
> they appear on your form. Default is: $gibberish_fields_to_exclude =
> array('email','email2'); Separate the field names with quotes and commas,
> as shown in the default setting. If you only have one field in the array,
> you don't need a comma, like this example: $gibberish_fields_to_exclude =
> array('email'); This list of fields is only referenced if
> $gibberish_exclude_fields is enabled above.
> */
> $gibberish_fields_to_exclude = array('email','email2');
> Please advise, thanks!
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:43 AM
> Good Afternoon!
> Yes, this has been reported a number times. Due to that, I made a new
> facility in the script, whereby you can state fields to skip from the
> gibberish check. I have attached the latest version for you.
> You can see the changelog here:
> Any questions, just let me know.
> Best wishes.
> Charles Sweeney
> The world's easiest feedback script!
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 3:07 PM
> Subject: Gibberish block
>> Good Morning!
>> An interesting thing is happening for the first time. In one of my forms
>> which asks for the email address 2X to verify, addresses which are valid
>> emails but appear to be gibberish are rejected as 'a gibberish word'. For
>> example, [email protected] and [email protected], were both rejected
>> as
>> gibberish.
>> Do I need to disable the anti-gibberish function for the form?
>> Thanks,