Not getting CSV file (See more user questions)
It's no trouble at all to answer your question. That's what I'm here for.
Looks like you have missed a quote mark on the path. You have this:
$path_to_csv_file = /var/www/vhosts/";
Should be this:
$path_to_csv_file =
Otherwise I would try 777 for the permissions, which will work in every
Any questions, just let me know.
Best wishes.
Charles Sweeney
The world's easiest feedback script!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 8:18 PM
Subject: RE: FormToEmail-Pro
> Sorry to bug you but a quick question if you don't mind
> */
> $csv_file_on_server = 1;
> /*
> Path to CSV file on server. This is the path to the location on your
> server
> where the CSV file will be kept. By default it is in the same
> directory/folder as the script. The default setting is: $path_to_csv_file
> =
> dirname(__FILE__) . "/"; You can change the location by entering the full
> server path below. Like this for example: $path_to_csv_file =
> "/home/users/bob/files/"; Note that you must have a trailing slash at the
> end. Note also that you do not include the file name in the path.
> */
> $path_to_csv_file =
> /var/www/vhosts/";
> /*
> CSV filename. Enter a filename below for the CSV file or keep the default
> name as it is. This name is used for the file that is sent as an
> attachment
> and/or the file that is kept on your server. If you enter a name, put it
> in
> quotes like this: $csv_filename = "sales_enquiry.csv";
> */
> $csv_filename = "form_data.csv";
> /*
> I have the folder excel chmod to 770
> I do not have the file form_data.csv created in excel cause I assume it
> creates it. I have tried it with a blank csv form as well.
> What's happening is I am getting 500 internal server error.