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Password protection for the form. File size limit  (See more user questions)


Short answer, no.

Yes the script will upload any size of file, but most factors related to the
size of the file, and the uploading thereof, are server settings which the
script can't control. If the server can handle 100MB uploads, the script
will handle them too.

Yes, you can upload the files to any directory on the server, but the point
of a form-to-email script is that it sends an email. By default it will
send an email (although I could show you how to disable that). If it didn't
send an email, how would your client know that a file had been uploaded?

There is no password protection. You would need this on the form page. My
script comes into play AFTER the form page, when the form has been
submitted, and has no control over the form page.

Any questions, just let me know.

Best wishes.

Charles Sweeney
The world's easiest feedback script!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 5:50 PM
Subject: FormToEmail script

> Comments: I have a client (printer) who needs a site to have their clients
> upload large files. Can your form script handle up to 100mb limits and
> also can the file go right to a folder on the server (without receiving as
> an email)?
> Also, is there a way to have password protection for each of their clients
> to be able to login and then upload files? (so form needs to be non-public
> but just for clients)
> Thanks,