How can I make my form return values for unchecked checkboxes? (See more user questions)
Thank you for your purchase.
That's how forms and browsers work. If the checkbox isn't checked, no value
is sent.
You could use a drop-down select input with "Yes" and "No" on it.
Defaulting to one or the other.
My script processes forms, it doesn't make them. You need to make your own.
If you give me the URL of your form, I will have a look at it, see if I have
any ideas. Without seeing it, it might be an idea to give the checkboxes
different names.
Best wishes.
Charles Sweeney
The world's easiest feedback script!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 2:05 PM
Subject: FormToEmail script
> Comments: I purchased FormToMail Pro. How can I make my form return
> values for unchecked checkboxes?
> FormToMail works great for me, except for the CSV file it generates. My
> form has 3 consecutive checkboxes. If the first checkbox is left
> unchecked, the results for the second checkbox appear in the column for
> the first checkbox. I want my checkboxes to retrun a value "no" if
> unchecked. How is this done?
> Thanks.