Gibberish OSNgEuXgEnxmrjT (See more user questions)
Good to hear from you.
Guess what? You've got gibberish, not gobbledegook!! That's to use my trms
for it. The spam in question here is getting very common. I wrote a
gibberish filter that can be enabled in the script (it is by default) and
will block this type of spam.
It is in the latest version of my script which I have attached for you. You
can see an explanation of it in the script instructions.
Tell your client that your anti-contact-form-spam guy (me) told you it is
impossible to completely stop spam.
Any questions, just let me know.
Best wishes.
Charles Sweeney
The world's easiest feedback script!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 4:02 PM
Subject: FormToEmail script
> Comments: I am using the Formtoemailpro.php script on a clients web site
> and he is getting gobbledgook:
> My email: [email protected]
> Web Inquiry: subject
> Thankyou url: /thank_you.html
> Error url: /error.html
> Order:
> records_center_storage,archive_storage,media_vault_storage,imaging_scanning,shredding_destruction,remote_data_backup,records_consulting,retrieval_rate,name,title,company,city,state,zip,phone,email
> Required:
> records_center_storage,archive_storage,media_vault_storage,imaging_scanning,shredding_destruction,remote_data_backup,records_consulting,retrieval_rate,name,title,company,city,state,zip,phone,email
> Name: sbsqawb
> Title: jmScSPPyt
> Company: VUHgbZYnvc
> City: dQTorqtwKMfIzLCC
> State: FggGgbwJpn
> Zip: ukiuEJifiDMKWt
> Phone: OSNgEuXgEnxmrjT
> Email: [email protected]
> Here is the line from the script:
> Gobbledegook check. You sometimes get spam consisting of gobbledegook
> characters (? ? ? etc). This check will prevent any messages getting
> through if gobbledegook is found. This check is done by default. To
> disable it, change the value to 0, like so: $gobbledegook_check = 0;
> */
> $gobbledegook_check = 1;
> Can you please help, I'm not really a programmer so it's tough for me to
> figure the issue here and this client will chase me around until it's
> solved...
> Best Regards,