Script apparently stops working, suddenly. (See more user questions)
Good to hear from you.
If it stopped working suddenly then your host has changed something on your
server that has caused the problem. I would recommend that you ask them
about it.
Failing that, can you give me the URL of your form page please?
Have a look also at this page on my support section:
Any questions, just let me know (I don't do telephone support - hence the
low price).
Best wishes.
Charles Sweeney
The world's easiest feedback script!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 4:12 AM
Subject: FormToEmail Script
> Comments: We purchased your paid version. We were using the free version
> but it stopped working all of a sudden on all of our site. We have been
> trying to trouble shoot but can't figure out. We would be happy to pay you
> to help us.
> Please contact us as soon as possible I can send you money through paypal
> immediatly.
> The forms are imparitive to our business.
> Call me please:
> Thank you for your prompt response.